“In cases of defense ’tis best to weigh”, Shakespeare warns“ The Enemy more mighty than he seems“ a suggestion suitable for Israel. However, the existential question concerning the oppressed is to fight against the offensive onslaught of the oppressors, for Israel is as offensive an entity as NATO is.

Its creation was dependent on the mass slaughter of the Palestinians, to the unending series of occupations from Gaza, West Bank, East Jerusalem to the Sani desert, Golan Heights, and Southern Lebanon until it was thrown out of the latter by Hezbollah.

During the 1973 war, Egypt and Syria exposed the myth of Israeli invincibility. Had the Americans not permitted Israel to breach the ceasefire imposed by the UN, Israel could neither have regained the Egyptian territory it lost nor Saadat be forced to succumb to imperialism to barter Palestine for regaining the Egyptian territory.

To the Syrian’s credit, they refused to bow to the imperialist pressure at the cost of the Golan Heights, still occupied by the Zionist entity. Since then, Syria has been suffering the wrath of the US-Israeli nexus enduring human and material losses nearly every day by the Zionists’ air strikes without condemnation from the civilized West’s stylized barbarity.

Lebanon, once called the Switzerland of the East, had been the victim of constant Israeli terror. From 1972 onwards, it has been regularly invaded, bombed, and destroyed by the Zionist army. The outcome of this continued unabated terror was the emergence of Hezbollah under the command of Abbas Musawi, assassinated in 1992 by the Israeli army, notorious for the job. It brought Hassan Nasrullah into the fore, the Islamic Lenin for Norman Finkelstein.

The war of 1986 and then 2006 once again exposed the manufactured invincibility of the US-backed satellite state. Crushed by Hezbollah during its aggression against Lebanon, humiliated, and disgraced, it never dared to attack Lebanon by putting its foot soldiers on the ground.

The year-long ground conflict between Hamas and Israel has exposed the entire myth of its military superiority. The 25-kilometre-long strip has been turned into a heap of rubble but so is the myth of Israel’s technological invincibility. The Israeli army is tired, and exhausted with innumerable casualties to the extent that speaking about the number of Israeli soldiers’ deaths or injuries is dealt with as a crime of subversion against the state.

Despite losses the Palestinian armed struggle is not only alive but kicking the Isserlis where it hurts them the most. Like all ruling classes, the Israeli ruling class scarcely cares for the hostages. As ABC Australia and Times of Israel admit what was revealed on October 8 by Max Blumenthal, the Israelis used the Hannibal Directive to kill and even burn its citizens and soldiers by attacking them through Apache helicopters to stop them from becoming “prisoners of war”.

This also proves that the Israeli propaganda of Palestinians raping Israeli women which the latter are fond of highlighting is not only a kind of libidinal fascination or obsession hidden in their unconscious but indicative of their racism against the people of colour, who in their imagination are dying for the white Zionist fannies, forgetting Israeli soldiers’ obsession for the victims’ rectums.

After destroying Gaza Israel is heading to the West Bank. No wonder it was an integral part of Zionist’s agenda to throw the entire Palestinian population into the sea to build Ertz Israel, a Zionists’ dream stretching from Transjordan to Saudi Arabia. It was the city of Medina; the inauthentic verbal history of the Dark Ages suggests from where they were once thrown out.

To counter Iran Obama, the butcher of Libya and Syria, decided to sign the “Iran Nuclear Deal” the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action?(JCPOA). It could have neutralized Iran’s position on the Palestinian question. However, capital needs an enemy, secondly, Israel could not have tolerated a strong Middle Eastern power thwarting its hegemony. The Saudis could also have played an important role in sabotaging the pact.

Saudi aggression against Yemen pushed the latter into the medieval era but bled the Saudis dry as well. A devastated and destroyed Yemen, with an organized militia and piles of ammunition, was left to starve. The entire world remained alien to their plight perhaps that made the Yemenis stand up for the Palestinians even more courageously than Hezbollah, forcing the US to remove its destroyer, Roosevelt back from the Red Sea and then they attacked Tel- Aviv twice. Recently, with their supersonic missile sneaking past Israeli Iron Dome without any impediment. It was the first time no decoys were used to confuse the Iron Dome to cross it as both Hezbollah and Iran did in their responses to the Israeli aggression.

To please its two allies, Saudia and Israel, the US pushed Iran to the Russian-China camp. As part of the BRIC Plus Iran finds itself secure and despite American sanctions has managed to pave its way out of the US-imposed isolation. It has developed its technological potential into a concrete war machine supplying Shahid drones and missiles to the Russians altering the shape of the Ukrainian war. Its technological progress has strengthened the destructive capabilities of its allies in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon (Hezbollah), and the Al Qassem Brigade in Gaza.

Israeli genocide has opened the gates of hell for the Zionist entity. Surrounding by the Axis of resistance from all sides, declared as a “plausible genocidal state” bent upon the destruction of its occupied subjects by the ICJ, and its premier and defence minister confirmed as war criminals by the ICC, it’s left at the mercy of the US.

Within a quarter of a century, another apartheid state with nuclear arsenals is hiding behind the imperialist empire before decimating from the face of the earth at least in its existing form.

In sheer desperation to extend the war of its survival to the Iranian and Hezbollah’s shores, the Zionist entity known for its murderous and terroristic attacks has exploded the pagers used by the members of Hezbollah, the doctors’ community, and the ordinary Lebanese citizens killing at least ten and injuring nearly 3000 including two children.

On the very next day, it exploded the laptops and other electronic gadgets of the people. No Western power has so far condemned those barbaric attacks on the civilians albeit it has helped increase the hatred against the Zionist entity among the neutral Lebanese.

A cursory glance at the mutilated faces of the Western media is enough to show their anal psyche. “Beep, Beep, Boom” was the heading of the New York Post “2,800 Hezbollah terrorists hit by exploding Pager Plot”.

In The Sun, a so-called terrorism expert Professor John Glees gloats “Israel’s James Bond-style attack on Hezbollah has left them as headless chickens…. Keeping the imperialist history in mind a sadistic pleasure derived from the corpses of the coloured people provides necrophiliac libidinal gratification to the majority of Western journalists.

Ellis Warrak, an ophthalmologist in a Beirut hospital lamented on removing both eyes of many Lebanese youngsters barely twenty years old because the toxic material had damaged them. However, it is against the UN charter “to use booby traps or other devices in the form of harmless portable objects which are specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material” but not for Israel.

Netanyahu thinks that expanding the war will force the US to follow his dictates. What Adorno stated about Hitler is true for Netanyahu. Let’s use it for the latter, “The executioner of liberal capitalist society is unable to recognize that under the shell of” American “liberalism an irresistible dominion of industrial potential has formed. He who saw the untruth of liberalism is unable to see the power behind him, precisely the social tendency”—the military-industrial complex— “the drumbeat to which even he is marching”.

Netanyahu being a follower of revisionist Jabotinsky, a close associate of Mussolini, thinks that by eliminating the Palestinians he will become an inch or two taller than Ben Gurion, the father of the Zionist entity, for whom Jabotinsky was a ‘Jewish Hitler’. However, Netanyahu has failed to see that under the changed objective historical conditions the ship he is steering is rudderless and sailing to “unpathed waters and undreamed shores”.

Hitler followed the identical path before perishing into history and being reborn as Ben Gurion. However, the latter’s era is over. The US will not steer Netanyahu’s ship to the Iranian shores safely, at least not in the election year or even the day after.

The closure of the Strait of Hormuz will be decisive. With the Houthis controlling the Red Sea the immediate rise in the oil prices will alone be enough to destroy the world economy and the US proxies, the sheiks sitting in the tents with oil and money. If Iran is destined to face the destiny of Prometheus, Israel will certainly meet the Hades.

(The writer is an Australian-based academic and has authored books on socialism and history. His Latest Work: “God’s Republic Making & Unmaking of Israel & Pakistan” is available in Pakistan & on Amazon.com. He can be reached at [email protected])

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024

Dr Saulat Nagi

The writer is an Australian-based academic and has authored books on socialism and history. His Latest Work: “God’s Republic Making & Unmaking of Israel & Pakistan” is available in Pakistan & on Amazon.com. He can be reached at [email protected]


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