Global Fertilizer Day is celebrated on October 13th every year to commemorate the great invention of harvesting atmospheric nitrogen to produce ammonia through Haber-Bosch process. Which leads to manufacturing of Urea that played a vital role in food security since the invention and green revolution. The importance of fertilizers in achieving food security is most critical due to mounting challenge of feeding a growing population—projected to reach nearly 10 billion by 2050. Fertilizers enhance crop yields by providing essential plant nutrients and help in sustaining soil fertility.

The efficient use of fertilizers can lead to substantial increases in crop yields and this has been witnessed through paramount crop production after green revolution with major contribution associated with fertilizers. This is well established and documented that contribution of fertilizers in food production is ~50%, which shows great significance of fertilizers in ensuring food security for fast growing population. According to researchers, food production has increased in linear fashion with improved fertilizer use and if there were no fertilizers half of the world’s population might have starved or faced hunger today.

Fertilizers are the food for crops and supply vital nutrients to human body through crop harvest. They provide crops with essential nutrients, without which plants/crops can’t complete their life cycle. These nutrients improve plant growth & development, enhance resilience against climate change and ultimately improve crop yields & productivity. According to essentiality criteria, there are seventeen (17) essential nutrients, which are further divided into abundant nutrients, primary macronutrients, secondary macronutrient and micronutrients, based upon the quantitative requirement of nutrients. Out of these essential nutrients, five (05) nutrients are deficient in Pakistan soils; Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) & Potassium (K), Zinc (Zn) and Boron (B). Each essential nutrient has its own significance and role in crop production. Nitrogen promotes leafy growth, phosphorus supports root growth and fruit development, while potassium enhances overall plant vigor and resilience. In addition to these, micronutrients such as zinc and boron play significant roles in crop health.

Food Security

Food security is defined as availability, accessibility, utilization, and sustainability of food and UN SDG 2 envisages to create a world free of hunger. The global issue of hunger and food insecurity has shown an alarming increase since 2015, a trend influenced by a combination of factors including the pandemic, conflicts, climate change, and deepening inequalities. By 2022, approximately 735 million people or 9.2% of the world’s population found themselves in a state of chronic hunger, a staggering rise compared to 2019. This data underscores the severity of the situation, revealing a growing crisis.

According to USDA wheat report 2023-24, global cereal production for 2024-25 was 2,854 million metric tons (MMT) and consumption for 8,162 million population was at 2,856 MMT. Currently, around 30.8% cereal stocks are available in reserves against annual consumption. As per UN population projections, by 2050 global population is expected to reach at 9,827 million. To feed the population on sustainable basis (keeping current cereal reserves in stock) in 2050, annual cereal production has to be increased to 3,421 MMT. To achieve this goal from current land resources, global average yield is required to be increased by 21.8% till 2050.

In Pakistan, population increase rate is more than global and need for more food resources, mainly the wheat, is also very high. In Pakistan with this growing population the wheat requirement by 2050 will rise up to 55.08 MMT from 29.35 MMT in 2024. This requires an enormous rise in average wheat yield by 74.8%, which is even much higher than global challenge of yield increase. Similar growth will be required in other cereals, meat, vegetables and fruits etc.

Importance of Balanced Fertilizer Use (BFU)

Fertilizers are vital to mitigate the challenges of food production and agricultural productivity caused by climate change, population growth, and urbanization. Fertilizers enable farmers to produce more food on existing arable land, thus reducing the pressure to convert natural ecosystems into farmland. Sustainable agricultural practices, which incorporate balanced fertilization, are essential for ensuring long-term food security. By adopting integrated nutrient management practices, farmers can optimize the use of both organic and inorganic fertilizers for enhancing soil health and fertility, minimizing negative environmental impacts and ensuring food security on sustainable basis.

In Pakistan stagnant crop yield from limited land resources is the major hurdle for ensuring food security to growing population. Imbalanced fertilizer use in Pakistan is one of the key reasons for stagnant crop yield. Pakistan has a very wider NPK ratio and farmers mostly rely upon nitrogen fertilizers mainly Urea. The balanced NPK ratio is imperative to enhance crop yields. During 2023-24, N:P:K use ratio in Pakistan was 2.00 : 0.52 : 0.02, whereas recommended N:P:K ratio for sustainable and productive crop system is 2.00 : 1.00 : 0.50.

Balanced crop nutrition based upon the principle of 4Rs’ nutrient stewardship (Right Source, Right Rate, Right Time and Right Method) is a key not only for maximizing yields but also for improving the quality of the food produced. Nutrient-rich crops are more resilient to pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical pesticides. This not only benefits farmers economically but also contribute to safer food systems and healthier diets for consumers.

Furthermore, balanced nutrition improves the nutritional profile of food. Crops grown with adequate nutrients contain higher levels of essential vitamins and minerals, contributing to better public health outcomes.

FFC’s Contribution

FFC is a leading fertilizer manufacturing and marketing company in Pakistan and has endeavored to play its role in agricultural growth & food production. FFC is providing the quality Sona Products and Services to the farming community, so they can positively improve their farm productivity and returns. Keeping in view the increasing deficiency of five nutrients in Pakistan (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc and Boron), FFC is providing nutritional solutions for these deficient nutrients under brand name of “SONA” backed with comprehensive farmer education and capacity building program through its Agri Services department. Farmer education program aims to improve farm productivity through available resources and it includes creating awareness on best crop management practices and rendering soil & water testing facility to promote balanced fertilizer use in wake of 4Rs’ nutrient stewardship.

To meet the growing food demand from same land resources and to cope with the impacts of climate change, FFC is now endeavoring for enhanced efficiency fertilizers (EEF) to improve crop yields. In this context, FFC has already introduced Neem Coated Urea (NCU), which reduces urea dose due to enhanced nitrogen use efficiency. Another value-added fertilizer Sona Boron DAP was launched during 2024, which provides standard nitrogen and phosphate along with additional Boron. The further work on developing other EEF is in progress and more such products will be introduced in the best interest of the farming community and the country for agricultural growth and food production in Pakistan.

To ensure timely availability of SONA products to farmers at control price, FFC has established “SONA CENTERS” at District level. At these centers, small farmers are being provided with quality fertilizers at control rates and package of Sona Advisory Services to uplift their farm economics. FFC also intends to deploy Agri-Tech for precision farming and the AI based advisory program will be rolled out in Rabi 2024.

FFC has always endeavored to provide quality fertilizers and services to the farming community for increasing crop yields and bringing prosperity to their lives. The journey of innovations for bringing new products for the betterment of Pakistan’s Agriculture and ensuring Food Security will continue.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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