“There is the concept of flow and then there is the concept of stock.” “Yes, I know – the stock of energy sector circular debt is 2.7 to 2.8 trillion rupees, while the flow is…is…”
“What feeds the stock?”
“Thank you, I wasn’t sure as to the flow per annum.”
“But I wasn’t referring to the energy sector circular debt when I referred to the concept of flow and stock.”
“Were you by any chance referring to the stock of human resources from which high level appointments are made depending on who gets to take the final decision on any appointment, a stock that is as unchanging as…as…”
“Well, you heard the proverb change alone is unchanging.”
“Not applicable in the land of the Pure. For us, the pool of human resources is as unchanging as the proverbial Himalayas.”
“But surely if there is a divorce then an entire clan can be…how can I put it….de-mobilised.”
“Right, so Samdhis must learn to…to…”
“To give up all their portfolios.”
“Not always.”
“Surely they can’t hope to retain their portfolios….”
“No, no, I was referring to some who are forced to disappear.”
“That reminds me, do you know where the much retired Captain Safdar is?”
“Hey, back off from the guy, he is one of the decent ones…”
“What about the flow of rental income? If the flow stops, would that mean all flow stops or just some of the flow?”
“That is on a case to case basis. You know as well as I, that ambitious relatives are the bane of all powerful people, and the more incompetent they are, the more…”
“Right, but while you are happy to point to incompetents in the PML-N camp…”
“Only because the flow of votes in their direction is getting less and less by the day…”
“Day or hour, or is it by the minute?”
“Depends on who comes out to attack the Man Who Must Remain Nameless and Faceless – an anecdotal survey showed that the Information guy’s nasal delivery irritates all so that is by the second, the Khawaja’s delivery is veering towards the nasal so by the hour and few have the vision to understand the Visionary…”
“Don’t be facetious.”
Copyright Business Recorder, 2024