PARTLY FACETIOUS: Between GPS and anyone else, the GPS prevails
“So who gave in?”
“Gave into what?”
“Well on the 2nd of this month, the Nawalas, led by Greedy for Portfolios Samdhi (GSP), promised that the government would enable a meeting with The Man Who Must Remain Nameless and Faceless and the meeting actually took place ten days later - on the 12…”
“You don’t have your facts straight. First, it is not being led by GPS, the Nawala talking about meetings with the opposition is Irfan Siddiqui…”
“You are so not with it. Between GPS and anyone else, the GPS prevails and I would reckon the GPS is not interested in dealing with this subject on television…”
“To my knowledge GPS has never ever let any opportunity slide where he can appear on television – irrespective of whether he has a speaking role or not, and when I say not we do see him hovering around the prime minister…”
“With one exception.”
“I don’t understand…”
“Think! What does GPS not like to do at all and if forced to do it he prefers living in anonymity in London?”
“A court case against him?”
“Nope, he has the patience of an elephant, he comes back when his counterpart samdhi is in power, however long that takes, and gets the prosecutors to back down completely.”
“Then what”?
“He doesn’t like writing affidavits.”
“What possible affidavit would he be required to submit in negotiations with The Man Who Must Remain Nameless and Faceless?”
“An affidavit that he can actually deliver, which incidentally he is savvy enough to know, is deliverable only if the final decision maker is his counterpart samdhi.”
“Hmmmm those days are kinda gone – anyway Irfan Siddiqui is a lot brighter…”
“Ah, but he is struggling too now isn’t he! I mean the government first said that it has no preconditions for the talks and now the precondition is for the X accounts outside the country, and mind we have banned X and there is a firewall up, to shut up against bad mouthing some constitutional and non-constitutional office bearers……”
“But the guy is in jail for Pete’s sake with no access to X at all.”
“Not relevant. I think the ten days show the limit of the Brown Pope. He stalled the meeting for ten days because they refused to have him as a negotiator and only when he was ordered to allow…”
“In writing?”
“Don’t be facetious, anyway Vawda seems to be on the up and up, he said as much on Sunday…”
“Not as the next Interior Minister, surely? Or is it Chairman of the Cricket Board?”
“Hmmm I reckon maybe, maybe the prime minister, I mean it’s not as if he covets being a federal minister again so that wouldn’t excite him.”
“His terms of reference would be the same as that of the current prime minister: no firing of the Brown Pope and…”
“Wait and learn, my friend.”
Copyright Business Recorder, 2025