ISLAMABAD: The government, Wednesday, introduced, “the Prevention of Electronic Crimes (Amendment) Bill, 2025” in the National Assembly to punish with imprisonment which may extend up to three years or with fine of two million rupees or with both for false and fake information on social media.
The National Assembly passed, “The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (Implementation) Bill, 2024”. “The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill, 2025” and “The Digital Nation (Amendment) Bill, 2024” were also introduced in the House.
According to the Prevention of Electronic Crimes (Amendment) Bill, 2025, the Social Protection and Regulatory Authority will be established.
A National Cybercrime Investigation Agency (NCCIA) and a Social Media Protection Tribunal (SMPT) will also be established under the proposed legislation.
The bill described as “any person aggrieved by fake and false information may apply to the Authority for removal or blocking access to such information and the Authority shall, on receipt of such application, forthwith, but not later than twenty-four hours, pass such orders as it considers necessary including an order for removal or blocking access to such information.
The Authority will have the power to remove online content. It will also have the power to access prohibited or obscene content. The authority will have the power to take action against those involved in sharing prohibited content.
The Authority shall have the power to issue directions to a social media platform for removal or blocking of online content, if such online content - (a) is against the ideology of Pakistan, etc. (b) incites the public to violate the law, take the law in own hands, with a view to coerce, intimidate or terrorize pubic, individuals, ‘groups, communities, government officials and institutions; (c) incites public or section of public to cause damage to governmental or private property; (d) coerce or intimidate public or section of public and thereby preventing them from carrying on their lawful trade and disrupts civic life;(e) incites hatred and contempt on religious, sectarian or ethnic basis to stir up violence or cause internal disturbance; (f) contains anything obscene or pornographic in contravention of any applicable law; (g) is known to be fake or false or there exist sufficient reasons to believe that the same may be fake or false beyond a reasonable doubt; (h) contains aspersions against any person including members of Judiciary, Armed Forces, Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) or a Provincial Assembly; or (i) promotes and encourages terrorism and other forms of violence against the State or its institutions.
(2) without prejudice to any other restrictions in this regard, while reporting the proceedings of the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) or a Provincial Assembly, such portion of the proceedings as the Chairman of the Senate, the Speaker of the National Assembly or, as the case may be, Speaker of the Provincial Assembly may have ordered to be expunged, shall not be streamed or made available for viewing on social media platforms in any manner and every effort shall be made to release a fair account of the Proceedings”
The Authority shall consist a Chairperson and eight members out of which Secretary Ministry of Interior, Chairman of PEMRA and Chairman Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) or any member of PTA nominated by him shall be the ex-officio members, a journalist registered with any press club of Pakistan not less than ten years’ experience and a software engineer with a minimum qualification of bachelor’s degree in software engineering.
In case of any violation or no implementation of any directions of the Authority by a social media platform, the Authority may approach the Tribunal for appropriate action. Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Authority may prefer an appeal before the Tribunal in such manner as may be prescribed. Any person aggrieved by the final decision of the Tribunal may prefer an appeal to the Supreme Court of Pakistan within sixty days of receipt of the decision. The Federal Government shall establish an investigation agency to be called the National Cyber Crime Investigation Agency (NCCIA) for inquiry into, investigation and prosecution of the offences specified under this Act.
According to objects and reasons of “The Digital Nation (Amendment) Bill, 2024”, it “aims to transform Pakistan into a digitally empowered nation by fostering a dynamic digital society, a robust digital economy, and efficient digital governance. Recognizing the potential of digital technologies to drive innovation, economic growth, and societal well-being, the Bill seeks to accelerate sustainable development, enhance public service delivery, and modernize governance for improved transparency and effectiveness.
According to “The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (Implementation) Bill, 2024” passed by the House to prevent the development, production and use of biological and toxin weapons and use or attempt to use it in Pakistan or anywhere outside the country.
According to the bill, “Implementing the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) in Pakistan through the proposed draft bill is a critical obligation under international non-proliferation credentials and United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions.
The BWC is a cornerstone of global efforts to prevent the development, production, and use of biological and toxin weapons, which pose significant threats to international security and public health.
By aligning national legislation with the BWC, Pakistan demonstrates its commitment to upholding international norms and enhancing its bio-security measure.”
Copyright Business Recorder, 2025
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