PARTLY FACETIOUS: Is it the time to turn the page and start partying again?
The air waves are full of Zardari sahib bashing, he pledged to the Maulana that he will not sign on the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) amendment bill and would request The Brown Pope to negotiate with protesting journalists to amend it and then proceeded to sign it.“
“Proceeded to sign it, or had he already signed it?”
“My advice to you: focus on the outcome, not the process”
“Why? Most legal cases are won because a process is not followed….”
“True, but you are talking about the have-nots. Need I remind you that a process can be changed through legislation – and the PECA Act has changed the process…”
“But democracy gives us the right to resist or in your terminology engage in bashing…”
“Not sure if that applies to a change in legislation. Remember what the US universities, backed by the administration, did when pro-Palestinian protests took place!”
“Yes, and fifteen months later Israel is continuing its policy of ethnic cleansing!”
“Let me share a fact of life with you. A president may get to live in a house where you have the best views of the city but…and this is a big but – if someone turns the page and the sitting president doesn’t realise the page has been turned, then you can have a mix up.”
“A mix-up! The President pledged to the Maulana…”
“Hey, Zardari sahib isn’t a reader, avid or apathetic, he just didn’t realise the page had been turned.”
“Hmmmm, besides The Brown Pope is not a page-turner either, is he? I mean…”
“You are so old-fashioned. Did you not know that a page-turner these days doesn’t mean you have to hire someone to turn the page for you, these days there is a hands-free e-book page-turner which does not require a touch screen? It’s all on autopilot.”
“So, one question: who is the electronic page-turner for the Brown Pope?”
“What about the nawalas who are continuing their rant against The Man Who Must Remain Nameless and Faceless?”
“Those selected by Raiwind look to Raiwind to turn their pages, though Raiwind is on autopilot.”
“What about the Maulana? What about the Man Who Must Remain Nameless and Faceless?”
“Their autopilot page-turners have been put on pause.”
“How long would be the pause?”
“As long as the autopilot is not switched on.”
Copyright Business Recorder, 2025