The following is in continuation of a letter to the Editor by this writer in yesterday’s issue of this newspaper. I would like to seek plausible answers to a couple of questions.
What has Board of Investment done in last 15 years? How much FDI came because of the superb work done by BOI? What BOI mostly does is prepare fabulous investment profiles and studies and then whoever are the Investment Minister, Chairman, and Secretary, they travel around the world attending conferences and seminars. They usually return with pledges, promises, and assurances of truckloads of FDI.
Flowery press/photo releases are issued, SBP lays out the red carpet for the arrival of Dollars, Riyals, Yuan and Euros, and PTV anchors host few talk shows to hype up these expected FDI as well as showcase these FDI as another strobe light flashing evidence that foreign investors have expressed strong confidence and trust in the government and its economic policies. In actuality, it is their “La La Land” state of mind and nothing more.
Majyd Aziz
Copyright Business Recorder, 2025