First things first, the prime minister has taken the right decision of allocating the portfolio of health to Syed Mustafa Kamal, a former Karachi mayor, and a top MQM-P leader.
Needless to say, in developing countries like Pakistan health challenges are still quite significant; in other words, these are profound, to say the least. Vulnerable populations in particular continue to struggle with a slew of challenges, including access to health facilities.
According to media reports, the federal health minister visited the Sindh Emergency Operations Center for Polio in Karachi yesterday to get an informed perspective on the ongoing polio eradication efforts. “Polio eradication remains a national priority….Achieving a polio-free Pakistan requires a modern, integrated strategy that addresses all challenges,” according to the minister.
In my view, the most formidable challenge to any strategy to succeed is reluctance or outright opposition to polio vaccination among people in certain parts of the country.
The government, in my view, is required to reach out to such people with a view to persuading them to give up their resistance to polio vaccination. The other two major challenges such as security issues and misinformation are relatively easy to deal with.
Religious scholars may be urged to help the government overcome vaccine hesitancy challenge. Given Mustafa Kamal’s track record as a Karachi mayor, I am sure he can make a difference on the overall health situation in the country.
Saulat Mehdi, Karachi
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