KARACHI: Karachi Shipping Intelligence report incorporating changes till 7 am on Monday (March 17, 2025).
Berth Ship Working Agent Berthing
No. Date
Op-1 Alora Disc Alpine Marine 16-03-2025
Mogas Services
B-2 Ginga Lion Disc Alpine Marine 10-03-2025
Chemical Services
B-4 Pechenga Container Ocean World 15-03-2025
B-5 Aldar - Ocean World 15-03-2025
B-5 Rezkiy - Ocean World 15-03-2025
B-6/B-57 Cosco Dis/Load Cosco Shipping 16-03-2025
New York Containers Line Pak
B-9/B-8 Valence Dis/Load Cosco Shipping 17-03-2025
Containers Line Pak
B-11/B-12 Tiger Load Gearbulk 13-03-2025
Pioneer Clinkers Shipping
B-14/B-15 Ocean Disc Seahawks 14-03-2025
Wealth General Asia Global
Nmb-1 Al Danish 1 Load Rice N.S Shipping 07-03-2025
Nmb-1 Al Sulaiman Load Rice N.S Shipping 08-03-2025
Nmb-1 Maliki Load Rice Al Faizan 13-03-2025
Alongside WEST Wharf
B-25/B-24 Happy Load Cement Crystal Sea 14-03-2025
Trader Services
B-25 Barfin Load Rice Pak Liner 15-03-2025
B-26/B-27 Northern Dis/Load Oceansea 16-03-2025
Practise Containers Shipping
B-28/B-29 Zhong Dis/Load Feeder 17-03-2025
Gu Ri Zhao Containers Logistics
B-29/B-30 X-Press Dis/Load X-Press Feeder
Salween Containers Ship Agency Pak 16-03-2025
Alongside SOUTH Wharf
Sapt-2 Ever Smart Dis/Load Green Pak 16-03-2025
Containers Shipping
Sapt-3 Hmm Sky Dis/Load United Marine 17-03-2025
Containers Agencies
Sapt-4 Cma Cgm Dis/Load Cma Cgm 16-03-2025
Cleveland Containers Pakistan
Expected Sailing
Name of Expected Expected Arrival Agent
Vessel Date Cargo
Cosco 17-03-2025 Dis/Load Cosco Shipping
New York Containers Line Pak
Expected Arrivals
M.T Shalamar 17-03-2025 D/72000 Pakistan National
Crude Oil Ship Corp
Pluto 17-03-2025 D/L Container Ap Line
Gfs Genesis 17-03-2025 D/L Container Eastwind Shipping
X-Press 17-03-2025 D/L Container X-Press Feeder
Phoenix Ship Agency Pak
Koi 17-03-2025 D/L Container Cma Cgm
Zhong Gu 17-03-2025 D/L Container Sharaf Shipping
Hanf Zhou Agency
Jin Wan 17-03-2025 D/43480 Seahawks
General Cargo Asia Global
Annie 17-03-2025 D/210 Package Bulk Shipping
Jolly Rosa 18-03-2025 D/L Container Eastern Sea
Jasmin 2 18-03-2025 L/1650 Rice Ocean World
Kiran 18-03-2025 D/57106 Seahawks
Caribbean General Cargo Asia Global
Jal Kumud 18-03-2025 L/55000 Clinkers Ocean Services
Ship Sailed
Name of Departure Ships Departures Agent
Vessel Date Cargo
MONTEVIDEO I 17-03-2025 Clinkers -
APL SALALAH 17-03-2025 Container Ship -
ADDISON 17-03-2025 Container Ship -
SARGODHA 17-03-2025 Tanker -
MSC POSITANO 17-03-2025 Container Ship -
SANTOS 17-03-2025 Container Ship -
Copyright Business Recorder, 2025