The city has witnessed second bank robbery in a week as a gang of robbers on Wednesday looted Rs 3.7 million from a government bank branch located in Gulistan-e-Johar in the limits of Sharah-e-Faisal police station. Police said at around 9:15 AM, six armed robbers barged into the bank located at block 18 Gulistan-e-Johar and held the staff hostage at gunpoint after snatching weapons from security guards. The robbers then looted around Rs 3.7 million from cash counter and managed to flee from the scene.
The sources said that CCTV cameras were not installed in bank premises, creating difficulties for policemen to make the sketches of the culprits. No case was registered till filing of this report. Needless to mention, this was the second bank robbery in a week as the first bank heist was witnessed at a private bank branch located near Bab-e-Khyber, Metroville site on November 6 where robbers looted Rs 1.6 million cash in broad daylight.
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