Renowned journalist Ayesha Haroon, 46, died on Saturday night in New York after four-year long fight with cancer. Dr Faisal Bari, her husband, Hassan Haroon and Usman Haroon, her brothers and their mother were by her side when she breathed her last. She was very peaceful at her departing moments.
Her body will be flown back home and is expected to arrive in Lahore on Wednesday evening. She will be buried on Thursday afternoon next to her father's (Syed Haroon Shah) grave in Miani Sab graveyard.
During her journalistic career, she worked for both print and broadcast media on senior positions.
Ayesha was only 42-year when cancer was diagnosed to her. She got her initial treatment at Shaukat Khanum Hospital Lahore but was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, New York where she went through a long process of treatment and was on her way to recovery when the disease recurred in June last year. For the last few moths her health kept deteriorating and on Saturday she died peacefully.
Ayesha left behind grieving family members, friends and a large number of journalists she professionally and ethically trained during her long and illustrious career. Among the aggrieved family members are her husband Dr Faisal Bari, Professor of Economics at LUMS and Senior Advisor to Open Society Institute, Pakistan, two brothers-Hassan Mustafa Haroon and Syed Usman Haroon and her mother.
Ayesha's funeral will take place at the mosque near her home, 78, Haroon Street, Babar Block, New Garden Town, Lahore (Near Barkat Market) on Thursday after Zohar prayer.
Politicians, journalists, friends and colleagues have expressed their sorrow and condolences and will miss her strong and lovely personality.-PR
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