A minor boy was killed when a wall of his house collapsed at Matani village in the outskirts of Peshawar, while 15 others, including six factory workers were injured in rain-related incidents, here on Monday. Police said a four-year-old boy, Imran, was killed when a wall of his house fell due to torrential rains. The child was said to be playing in the veranda along with his brother and some other kids.
The villagers helped the family to retrieve the boy from the debris. He was shifted to Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar in a critical condition where he succumbed to his injuries. In another incident in Sra Khawara area, the roof of a house caved in, injuring 10-year-old Ashfaq, son of Imranullah.
Similarly, as many as six workers of a furniture factory were injured in Khazana area in the outskirts of Peshawar, when a roof fell on them. The owner of the factory, Akhtar Gul, was also injured in the incident. The injured were identified as Akhtar Gul, Waqas, Akram, Gul Mohammad, Mukhtiar, Riaz, Farhad and Fahad.
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