The Deputy Commissioner Hyderabad Agha Shah Nawaz Babar has said that as many as 466 different development schemes have been completed by the present democratic government only in the Works and Communication Sector with the total cost of Rs 2419.235 million in the last five years in the Hyderabad District.
In a press statement issued here today, the Deputy Commissioner Hyderabad revealed that as many as 113 different development schemes were completed by the Works and Services Department, Hyderabad at the cost of Rs 348.068 million under ADP 2007-2008, similarly 123 development schemes were completed at the cost of Rs 527.648 million under the ADP 2008-2009, likewise 50 development schemes were finalised at the cost of Rs 312.638 million in ADP 2009-2010.
He said that work of such development activities was further expedited and more than 105 development schemes were completed at the cost of Rs 411.454 million under the ADP 2010-2011 while further 75 different important development schemes were also completed at the cost of Rs 819.427 million during the ADP 2011-2012.
He said that a huge amount had been invested for more development projects to facilitate the common man. He said that this amount of Rs 2419.235 million was invested only in the Works & Communication sector, while the details of the development budget utilised in other sectors was being issued separately.
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