US stocks rose on Tuesday, with the Dow rising above 14,000, as earnings came in stronger than expected and investors sought bargains a day after the market's biggest drop since November. Dell Inc's stock rose after the world's No 3 computer maker agreed to be taken private in a $24.4 billion deal, the largest leveraged buyout since the 2008-2009 financial crisis.
The stock gained 0.8 percent to $13.39 after a delayed open. Major stock indexes fell about 1 percent in Monday's selloff, pressured by renewed worries over the euro zone's sovereign debt crisis. Still, equities have been strong performers recently, with the benchmark S&P 500 index up about 5 percent for 2013.
The Dow Jones industrial average was up 110.50 points, or 0.80 percent, at 13,990.58 after rising as high as 14,006. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index was up 13.42 points, or 0.90 percent, at 1,509.13. The Nasdaq Composite Index was up 30.96 points, or 0.99 percent, at 3,162.13.
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