Punjab University Examinations Department has issued the schedule for submission of admission fee & forms for B.Com, Annual Exam 2013. According to the details, for regular candidates, the last date for submission of admission forms with single fee is 7 March (by hand) and 28 February (by post) while the forms can be submitted with double fee till 14-3-2013 (by hand) and 7-3-2013 (by post).
For private candidates, the last date for submission of admission forms with single fee is 19-3-2013 (by hand) and 11-3-2013 (by post), while the forms can be submitted with double fee till 01-04-2013 (by hand) and 25-03-2013 (by post). B.Com, Part-I exam will commence from June 12 while Part-II exam will commence from June 13. Detailed schedule is also available at PU website www.pu.edu.pk.
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