Pakistan, a wonderful country of 180 million strong hardworking people, rich in natural and human resources, has been ruined by an incompetent lot of politicians, who were voted in the 2008 national elections to represent the impoverished, down-trodden and helpless nation and take the country to the path of peace, prosperity, development and progress.
But alas, these politicians, instead, have brought the nation to the verge of collapse and economic ruination. Good governance and writ of the state simply do not exist. Constitution is flouted just about every day, supreme judiciary is mocked and ridiculed to heart content. Corrupt ministers, crony operatives, murderers, extortionists and target killers thrive. There is hardly an accountability in the state and the perpetrators of all corrupt and criminal activities continue to loot, plunder and indulge in all the unethical acts, that there are in the dictionary, with complete impunity and freedom, in complicity with the ruling political mafia.
Nowhere are such activities more rampant than in Karachi. Today, there is no honest and trustworthy opposition in the federal and provincial legislative assemblies. All, who are sitting in the assemblies, are partners in crimes and bound together by self-interest, driven by the lust for power, greed to share the spoils of national wealth and perpetuate their corrupt hold on the nation.
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