The free-facility of Angiography and Angioplasty launched at Cardiology Unit of Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. In the current fiscal year, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government had increased a total grant of Cardiology Unit, LRH at Rs 1600 million from Rs 400 million, informed the Provincial Minister for Health, Syed Zahir Shah while speaking at inaugural ceremony of the free-health service here on Tuesday.
On the occasion, the head of Cardiology Unit, and Vice Chancellor Khyber Medical University, Peshawar Professor Dr Mohammad Hafizullah, officials from health department, and hospital staff were present. The provincial Minister said that it was a great milestone, achieved by this government, adding that the free-health service would cater the need of poor and deserving people.
He said the government had taken steps for provision of better health facilities by such steps during last five years, which was prime duty of it. Shah said that the free-Angiography and Angioplasty service was launched after the growing number of patients of cardiac in the province, which could be need to decreased by such steps.
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