The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Wednesday completed its intra-party polls in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa by electing provincial cabinet and tehsil and union council level under the different phases. The polling was held for slots of provincial president, general secretary and rest members of the cabinet in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa under supervision of PTI KP Election Commissioner, Qazi Anwar Advocate here at Roman Wedding Hall, Ring Road in Peshawar.
The PTI intra-party election turnout was remained 99 percent, as 151 votes polled out of total 153 registered in KP. The election held with a peaceful manner, with any chaos, and KP province was lead by completing process of intra-party polls. Those, who were contesting for provincial president slot, including Asad Qaiser, Pervez Khattak and Murad Saeed, while Shaukat Yousaf, Shah Farman, Ziaullah Afridi and Zahid Hussain Mohmand were faced with each other for general secretary position.
According to results, the Asad Qaiser was elected as provincial president of PTI by gaining 70 votes, while his opponent Pervez Khattak and Ali Murad polled only 54 and 25 respectively. Similarly, Shuakat Yousafzai won with obtaining 62 votes, elected as general secretary, while his opponents, Shah Farman slightly near with 52 votes, Ziaullah Afridi gained 23 ballots and Zahid Hussain Mohmand polled only six votes during the intra-party elections.
Likewise, Kheyal Zaman and Junaid Akbar gained 61 and 60 votes and elected senior vice presidents, while Azmat Ali Khan with 58 ballots elected as deputy general secretary. On female seats, Begam Nasim Hayat and Zarain Zia elected as vice presidents by gaining 56 and 54 votes respectively, while Nadia Sher Khan and Ayesha Naeem elected as joint secretary by obtaining votes 62 and 61 respectively. According to results, Begam Nasim Hayat elected as provincial president for PTI women wing, while Nadia Sher Khan as provincial general secretary. Sajjad Fayaz Khan, obtained 58 votes and elected as president PTI youth wing in KP.
According to results, Fazal Hakeem with 70 votes, Inayatullah Khan with 68 votes, Sajjad Ahmad Khan with 64 votes, Asif Zubair Sheikh with 62 votes, Mohammad Khan with 62 votes, Feroz Khan with 61 votes, Akhtar Hussain with 58 votes, and Nadeem Alam with 58 votes elected as provincial presidents of different regions.
Dr Suraan Singh gained 62 votes, and elected as secretary minority. While the elections of different position secretaries, including legal, agriculture, publicity, health, religious affairs, education, labour, public welfare, also held, according to which Akbar Ali gained 72 votes, Altaf Qadar 68 votes, Dr Ali Haider 78 votes, Abdur Sattar Haqqani 84 votes, Abdur Ghaffar 71 votes, Murtaza Hussain 64 votes, Haider Hayat with 59 votes elected as secretaries legal, publicity, health, religious affairs, education, labour, and public welfare. According to results, Sajjad Ahmad and Rahmanullah gained 55 and 54 votes respectively, and elected as joint secretaries.
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