Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Minister for Information Mian Iftikhar Hussain, while terming the holding of All Parties Conference by Jamiate-Ulema Islam-Fazl as a positive step, asked the central government also evolve consensus on this issue by taking all relevant stakeholders on board to pave way for holding meaningful dialogue with Taliban.
Talking to media persons on Wednesday, the Mian Iftikhar said the Awami National Party will participate in the All Parties Conference-convened by JUI-Fazl on terrorism in Islamabad on Thursday. He said it was a good step, but the federal government should also consider seriously and own APC, and make efforts for taking final decision with consensus of relevant stakeholders on this issue, and formally initiate talks with Taliban militants.
"We had taken all political parties and relevant stakeholders into account during holding All Parties Conference in Islamabad a two week ago, Mian Iftikhar said. He said the his party also tried to take the country Constitutional head, and president Asif Ali Zardari on board during the ANP-sponsored APC, but he didn't attend it due to busy schedule.
Mian Iftikhar viewed that the political parties had only job to create an environment for development of consensus, while centre government has authorised to take any final decision with rest of stakeholders on this issue. "Our top priority is holding dialogue with Taliban militants for establishment of peace, which could be more meaningful for establishment of peace", he stressed.
"We are going to participate in JUI-F convened All Parties Conference, Mian Iftikhar informed. "We would highly expect that JUI-F APC could be more result-oriented under the given circumstances, he predicated. Earlier in the day, addressing at a seminar organised by Peshawar University Teachers (PUTA) on "Parliamentarian Forum for Right to Education" in collaboration with Unesco here at local hotel. He informed that KP government would hold a meeting of provincial assembly soon, to make legislation regarding compulsory for five to 16 age of children under the Article 25-A of the constitution.
Though, the Provincial Minister said the KP assembly would complete its constitutional period within next two weeks, but they can approach the Governor and Speaker for immediately calling of the meeting for this important legislation. He expressed concern over delay in devolution of Education department under the 18th constitutional amendments by federal government. He assured the KP government had taken proactive steps for promotion of education, while legislation process was also accelerated after the passage of 18th constitutional amendments in the province.
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