The Chief Justice Lahore High Court here on Saturday directed District and Sessions Judge Toba Tek Singh to send a fresh report about submission of police report before trial court within a week regarding acid thrown on a man by his wife. Muhammad Mushtaq, resident of Umar Farooq Colony used to beat his wife Farhat. One day Farhat called her sister Nusrat and other relatives and torturing her husband severely threw acid on him.
He was badly burnt and shifted to District Headquarters Hospital Toba Tek Singh in critical condition. Police registered a case against the accused persons and started investigation. After notice taken about the incident by the LHC, D&SJ submitted report that two accused Bilal and Shaheen Bibi had been arrested, whereas one accused was on pre-arrest bail. However, investigating officer had been directed to complete investigation and submit Challan in the court within statutory period.
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