A woman and her brother-in-law were killed in Qasimabad here on Tuesday in what the police suspects is an incident of honour killing. SDPO Qasimabad ASP Fahad Ahmed told the APP that the killers cut the 19-year-old Rani Khoso's throat after stabbing her multiple times with a knife.
Her brother-in-law, 25-year-old Javed Khoso, was also stabbed several times and shot 2 bullets in the chest while her husband Lal Mohammed Khoso was also stabbed and seriously injured. "The nature of crime indicates that it's a matter of honour killing," the police officer told the APP. The incident happened in the morning near Dhorajee apartments. The members of the Khoso family live in tents in an empty plot on the backside of the apartments.
The ASP said the Khoso family had not yet informed police about whom they suspect of carrying out these murders. A FIR of the incident has also not been lodged till the filing of this report, according to the SHO. The injured Lal Muhammad told reporters at the Civil Hospital that his wife and brother were killed over a marriage dispute within the Khoso family.
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