Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif on Tuesday has ordered foolproof security arrangements in the province on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha. Issuing instructions to Inspector General Police and Provincial Home Secretary, the Chief Minister directed that every effort be made for the protection of life and property of citizens and maintenance of law and order on Eid.
He said that law-enforcement agencies should remain fully alert and maintain a close co-ordination. The Chief Minister directed that special attention be paid to the security of Eid congregations, mosques and Imam Barghas. He said that senior police officers should remain in the field to check security arrangements and take all necessary measures for ensuring a peaceful atmosphere. He directed that law-enforcement agencies should ensure implementation of the security plan evolved for this purpose at any cost. The Chief Minister said that intelligence sharing system should be further improved. The Chief Minister further directed that besides additional police force, Elite Force be also deputed at all important places and senior officers should remain present in the field and maintain a watchful eye on suspects.
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