The accused, that sexually assaulted a teenage girl and later threw her off from the second floor in Defence area, was handed over to the police on five days' physical remand on Tuesday. Police presented the accused, Khalid Baloch, in the Judicial Magistrate East Court where he pleaded innocence. The investigating officer told the court that the victim is unconscious and her statement will be recorded only after she regains senses.
He added that identification parade will also be arranged for her to identify the culprit. The court granted five days' physical remand of the accused. It may be mentioned that the girl was raped and pushed off a second-floor balcony in Defence on Monday in an attempted murder case. Police described the suspect as a "habitual rapist", who threw the girl down from his apartment in Phase II, Defence, after raping her. The girl suffered serious head and backbone injuries.
The accused, Khalid Baloch, was arrested later. The girl was brought to the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) in an unconscious state, where doctors confirmed she was sexually assaulted. Scans of the victim's body revealed she had sustained multiple fractures in the backbone owing to her fall. SSP South Munir Shaikh said the rape survivor in her initial statement had said she was lured by the man at the Abdullah Shah Ghazi shrine, who then took her to his residence where he raped her. The girl, who looks to be between 18 and 20 years of age, said she was thrown off the balcony after she raised hue and cry. Police arrested the alleged rapist, who owned the apartment also.
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