A fire that broke out in a Bata showroom located at Millennium Mall on Wednesday afternoon, burned millions of rupees' footwear to ashes. According to chief fire fighter Ehtesham, "We were informed by a caller at around 2pm that fire broke out in a Bata Showroom located at Millennium Mall."
Reacting on this information, four fire tenders were immediately rushed to the spot and engaged in extinguishing the fire. "The Bata showroom was completely gutted before fire tenders could reach to the scene." "The whole Mall was turned into smoke chamber," he said, adding that more tenders were called for backup. Later a dozen fire tenders were dispatched to the place. He said the fire was brought in control within an hour and nobody was reported hurt in this incident. Replying to a question, he said, "There was no space for cross ventilation hence they had to use smoke ejector. He said that footwear worth millions of rupees had turned into ashes and added that the cause of fire was electrical disorder.
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