Two spectators were thrown out of the Dubai cricket stadium on Friday for allegedly taunting Pakistan captain Misbah-ul Haq during the second Test. The two, later identified as Pakistani expats Siddiq Ameen and Mushtaq Ameen, were escorted out of the ground by security men before the lunch break on the third day after Misbah complained of their behaviour.
A Dubai Sports City spokesman said: "Two individuals were shouting comments in contravention of the ICC Anti-Racism Code, which prohibits the use of language that is offensive, insulting, humiliating, intimidating or vilifying. "The Pakistan captain followed the correct protocol and brought this to the attention of the umpires who, in turn, alerted the match referee. Venue security was informed and the two individuals were identified and removed from the venue."
Siddiq expressed disappointment over his eviction. "We only requested Misbah to include Younis Khan in the one-day team," Siddiq told reporters, after Younis was axed from the five-match One-day series against South Africa which follows the two Tests. "We travelled from Abu Dhabi to watch the match and did not use any abusive language or throw any object at players," said Siddiq.
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