Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's displeasure with PM Nawaz Sharif on Line of Control (LoC) tensions followed a blunt message he delivered to Sharif in New York about a month ago when he said, "I have not become prime minister of India to redraw the boundary." The PM's September 29 meeting with Sharif, which took place amid escalating firing on the Line of Control and the international border, began with Singh making no bones about his resolve to protect India's territorial integrity, Times of India in a report on Saturday said.
In fact, Singh's "Churchillian moment", reminiscent of the British leader's declaration in 1942 that he had not become the King's first minister to "preside over the liquidation of the British Empire", even surprised his senior aides as the PM brushed aside Sharif's arguments.
The newspaper said Singh responded to Sharif's attempt to raise India's "role" in Balochistan, saying the matter had been raised by previous Pakistani PMs as well "without an iota of proof" being offered. Sources said Singh's unusually sharp words expressing his "big disappointment" with Sharif on Friday indicate his annoyance over the Pakistani PM not heeding an unambiguous signal that firing on the LoC and the border must stop.
On his way back from Beijing, Singh told the media, "Let me say that I am disappointed, because in the New York meeting, there was a general agreement on both the sides that peace and tranquility should be maintained on the border, on the Line of Control as well as on the international border and this has not happened."
In the New York meeting, Singh had also categorically rejected the Pakistani suggestion that restoration of the 2003 cease-fire agreement could be discussed by a politico-military committee, insisting the matter be sorted out at the military level. The PM made it plain that Indian and Pakistani directors general of military operations must sort out the cease-fire violations and restore peace and tranquility on the LoC and the international border.
Observers said Singh's tough talk on Friday signals his waning patience as the political calendar in India begins to rapidly move towards the 2014 elections and Congress wards off the opposition charge of being soft on Pakistan's aggression on the borders. On Friday, the PM did express the hope that Sharif would "even at this late hour" recognise that the developments on the border do not augur well for both nations, but this time around he made it clear that the onus was on Pakistan to mend fences.
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