Inspector General of Police (IGP) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Nasir Khan Durrani on Monday paid a surprise visit to three police stations situated at the boundary line of Peshawar at Regi, Nasir Bagh and Regi Model Town. The Police Chief thoroughly checked the record of the three police stations and found 21 police Jawan absent from the duty and ordered their immediate suspension.
Similarly, the IGP also expressed dissatisfaction over the poor performance of all the three SHOs and SDPO Regi and directed them to bring further improvement in their performance and come up to the attached expectations of the general public. The Police Chief also met with the police Jawan on their duty points and briefed himself from the difficulties and problems being faced by them during duty hours. He also ordered the SHOs to keep the police stations neat and clean while the police Jawans were directed to keep their residential barracks in orderly manner. Nasir Khan Durrani also met with the general public and briefed himself from them about the crime in the area and efforts of police in controlling it. On the demand of the public of the area the IGP directed the police to make another Nakabandi points in the insecure place.
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