A new football tournament in India that was to feature former international stars of the game has been postponed after opposition from domestic clubs, organisers said Monday. The franchise-based event by the All India Football Federation (AIFF) and its commercial partners IMG-Reliance, which was due to be held from January to March next year has now been pushed back until September.
"Keeping in view of various key factors, including scheduling conflicts with the (national) I-League, it has been decided to launch the Indian Super League on a permanent window of September to November starting from year 2014," an official statement said. The Kolkata-based Telegraph newspaper quoted unnamed sources as saying that possible franchise owners had told the AIFF that there was not enough time to prepare for such a league. The made-for-television event, sold to Rupert Murdoch-owned Star TV network, had already run into trouble over fierce opposition from India's top clubs.
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