Pakistan condemns massacre of Kashmiris in IoK
ISLAMABAD: The government and people of Pakistan strongly condemn the continuing use of brutal and indiscriminate force by the Indian occupation forces that has resulted in the martyrdom of 14 Kashmiris in different districts in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK) since 5 May 2018.
According to foreign office statement, the Kashmiri youth have been the deliberate target of this mindless killing spree, unleashed by the Indian occupation forces.
"We extend our deepest sympathies and condolences to the bereaved families. Our thoughts and prayers are with them as they mourn the loss of their loved ones."
The people of Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir continue to endure untold sufferings and face gross and systematic violations of their human rights manifest in incarcerations, torture, rape, cordon-and-search operations, use of pellet guns, and extra-judicial killings, foreign office said.
Their leaders remain under continued illegal house arrests and detention. For their part, the innocent, unarmed and defenceless Kashmiris stage peaceful protests, which are invariably countered with use of lethal weapons and disproportionate force by the Indian security personnel. Their mass participation in the funerals of the martyrs is a clear manifestation of their defiance as well as the determination to free themselves.
Indeed, in the history of past 70 years, it has been demonstrated time and again that the ferocity and inhumanity of India’s state-terrorism in IoK is no match for the resolve and resilience of the innocent, unarmed Kashmiri people.
India will never be able to break their will. Nor will India succeed in misleading the world community through its malicious propaganda campaign painting the just, legitimate and indigenous Kashmiri struggle for self-determination as “terrorism.”
Pakistan remains in full solidarity with the people of Jammu & Kashmir. Pakistan also welcomes the strong support demonstrated by OIC member states for the resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in line with the UNSC resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiris at the 45th Session of OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM), held in Dhaka on 5-6 May 2018.
We urge the international community to take cognizance of the brutal repression and massive violations of human rights taking place in IoK and to use its influence with India to bring an immediate end to the culture of impunity that has been fostered there for seven decades.
Pakistan also calls upon the world community to play its rightful role in promoting a just and lasting solution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people. We believe this is a sine qua non for durable peace and stability in South Asia.
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