The rupee has failed to sustain its firmness against the dollar on the interbank market on Monday due to rise in demand, dealers said. The rupee was down by 10-paisa in relation to the dollar for buying at Rs 105.00 and it also lost 11-paisa for selling at Rs 105.02, they said.
INTERBANK MARKET RATES: OPEN MARKET RATES: The rupee was inert in relation to the dollar for buying and selling at Rs 105.30 and Rs 105.50 respectively. In the meantime, it slid against the euro losing 30-paisa for buying and selling at Rs 145.25 and Rs 145.50 respectively, they said.
In the first Asian trade, the euro held steady against the dollar on Monday, retaining its gains made late last week as political unrest in Ukraine showed signs of settling down for the time being. The dollar was at Rs 62.14 against the Indian rupee, the greenback was at 3.2950 in terms of the Malaysian ringgit and the US currency was at 6.094 in relation to the Chinese yuan. Interbank buy/sell rates for the taka against the dollar on Monday: 77.75-77.75 (77.75-77.75). Call Money Rates: 06.50-08.00 percent (previous 06.50-08.25 percent).
Open Bid Rs.105.30
Open Offer Rs.105.50
Interbank Closing Rates: Interbank Closing Rates For Dollar on Monday.
Bid Rate Rs.105.00
Offer Rate Rs.105.02
RUPEE IN LAHORE: The Pak rupee staged recovery and gained 10-paisa on buying side at Rs 106.50 and 20-paisa on selling side at Rs 107.00 in relation to the greenback on the local currency market on Thursday.
According to the currency dealers, the dollar resumed trading on a negative sign and remained under pressure due to lacking buyers' interest. At close, the dollar was slide down from Tuesday closing of Rs 106.60 and Rs 107.20 on buying and selling counter to Rs 106.50 and Rs 107.00, respectively, the dealers said.
Similarly, the national currency showed strength and was appreciated against the British pound. The pound's buying and selling rates were declined from previous closing of Rs 174.30 and Rs 175.50 to Rs 174.00 and Rs 175.00, respectively, they added.
RUPEE IN ISLAMABAD AND RAWALPINDI: The rupee-dollar parity remained unchanged on the open currency markets of Islamabad and Rawalpindi here on Thursday. The dollar opened at Rs 106 (buying) and Rs 106.25 (selling) against last rate. It did not observe further change in the second session and closed at Rs 106 (buying) and Rs 106.25 (selling). Pound Sterling opened at Rs 173 (buying) and Rs 173.50 (selling) against same last rate. It closed at the same rate without further change by the end of evening session.
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