Chief Minister, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Pervez Khatak said the pace of development process in the provincial metropolis and other parts of the province has been accelerated and beside it small and medium mega schemes have also been initiated. He was talking to a delegation of PTI Peshawar, which called on him under the leadership of Gul Badshah here in Chief Minister's Secretariat on Saturday.
Besides, some problems of the residents of Peshawar, the delegation also gave suggestions and recommendations for accelerating the pace of work of development schemes. The delegation while appreciating the effective role of Chief Minister for abolition of corruption according to the vision of PTI Chief and implementation of the agenda of change assured full co-operation to him. They also told the Chief Minister regarding successful implementation and services of Insaf Volunteers in this regard. The Chief Minister said health, cleanliness and drinking-water situation in the city has been improved. But, further getting much better results of most of the responsibilities of municipal corporation on the pattern of developed countries are being handed to a separate company, which will bring 100 percent improvement in the situation.
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