Finance Minister Muhammad Ishaq Dar has directed the authorities concerned to expedite work on Gadani and Jamshoro coal power projects. The Finance Minister has given directions to authorities concerned while presiding over a meeting on these projects, here on Sunday.
Asian Development Bank (ADB) would provide $900 million for Jamshoro coal-fired power generation plant. The minister said that Gadani and Jamshoro coal power projects are government's top priority. He said the government wants to complete these projects at the earliest to overcome energy crisis in the country. He said that ultra super technology should be used and detailed study from independent sources should be carried out for the project. He said that the government's resource envelope was limited so, "we have to operate within the available resource space."
The Finance Minister said that domestic private sector resources will be encouraged on Built Operate Transfer (BOT) basis and appreciated that this is the least cost energy generation model which will meet our short to medium term energy requirements.
Dar urged for putting on fast track Jamshoro coal fired project for which funding is already available from the Asian Development Bank. He also directed the Infrastructure Project Development Facility (IPDF) to work in close collaboration project director at Gaddani project.
Briefing the meeting‚ the head of Pakistan Power Park Management Company‚ Nargis Sethi said NESPAK is working on PC-1 of the project‚ which also includes construction of a jetty and other infrastructure. She said ten coal power plants will be established at Gadani Park. She briefed the Finance Minister on the broad framework of the Project.
The meeting was attended by Advisor to Finance Ministry Rana Assad Amin, Additional Secretary Shahid Mahmood and senior officials of the Finance Ministry.
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