Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz leader Hamza Shahbaz on Tuesday said the country's economy is in the right direction, wooing the foreign investors at large from around the world. He was talking to media men at the Central Jail Kot Lakhpat on release of 84 poor and destitute prisoners after payment of fines by the Punjab government. He is also chairman Task Force on prisons in Punjab.
He said economic conditions of the country are improving fast due to the steps taken during last seven to eight months. Resultantly, he said, the Pak rupee has re-valued strength against the dollar. According to him, the Punjab government would install water filtration plants at the jails throughout province. In addition, he said, sports complexes for inhabitants of jails will also be constructed with all basic amenities therein.
He said the prisoners being released had completed their sentence period but were unable to get out of jail due to short of funds to pay penalties. He said the Punjab government has paid their penalties in the larger interest of humanity and more steps will be taken to rehabilitate them.
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