A three-member bench led by Justice Jawwad S Khawaja on Tuesday accepted the plea of the Attorney General for Pakistan (AGP) and granted him one day to show some progress in a missing person case, observing that court was showing utmost restraint in the matter.
Resuming the hearing of a missing person case, the bench asked the principal legal officer to produce Yasin, one of the brothers of missing person, before the bench and questioned why the court order was not implemented in the matter. In its short order, the bench said that if the court order was not implemented in true letter and spirit, notices would be issued to the Chief Executive of Pakistan, Chief Executive and Governor of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Appearing before the bench, Attorney General for Pakistan Salman Aslam Butt submitted that a Commission had been constituted to give its findings on the missing person matter, adding that the Commission would finalise its findings before the prescribed time of 30 days.
Upon which, Justice Jawwad S Khawaja observed the court was doing its job so the institutions should also pay heed and fulfil their obligations. Addressing the AGP, Justice Khawaja said that court could not plead the matter. The bench said the concerned authorities were required to address the issue in hand, saying the bench just wanted to get the court order of December 10, 2013 implemented.
The AGP requested the court to give some time to discuss the matter with the concerned quarters; to which, the bench adjourned the matter, saying, "the court is showing restrain in issuing notices to Chief Executive of the Country, Chief Executive and Governor of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to give a chance to show progress in the matter." The hearing of case was adjourned till March 19 (today).
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