Melody Queen Noor Jehan's daughter Zil-e-Huma passed away in Lahore on Friday of kidney failure. She was around 70. She is survived by four sons and one daughter. She was buried in the Shahnoor Studio graveyard in the afternoon in the presence of hundreds of friends, film and music industry artists, workers, technicians and admirers. Earlier her Namaz-e-Janaza was offered at her Garden town residence after Juma prayers.
Zil-e-Huma was a chronic diabetes patient and suffering from kidney problems. She was put on a ventilator few days ago after her leg was amputated due to high sugar complications. She was born on February 21, 1944 in Lahore. She was the youngest of the three children of famed singer Noor Jehan and filmmaker, Syed Shaukat Hussain Rizvi. Since the childhood, singing and music were Zil-e-Huma's passion which led her to get proper music training.
She was a proud daughter as once she said in an interview, "I was lucky because I was raised by a mother who had ruled the music industry for almost half a century." Film artists and singers termed Zil-e-Huma death as a great national loss. Several cultural and social organisations have sent condolence messages to be bereaved family eulogising Huma's great contribution to the music and showbiz of Pakistan.
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