Punjab Assembly in its eighth session here on Friday adopted a resolution, condemning a highly controversial show on a TV Channel (Geo). The resolution sought support of religious scholars to provide guidance on the issue. The resolution demanded strict action against those involved in that 'disgraceful' act.
Through another resolution, Punjab Assembly expressed its grief over a coal mine incident in Turkey in which 200 coal mine workers died. Assembly members prayed for Turkish workers who died in the accident. Three ordinances 'The Management and Transfer of Properties by Development Authorities Ordinance 2014', 'The Bab-e-Pakistan Foundation Ordinance 2014', 'The Punjab Free and Compulsory Education Ordinance 2014'were laid before the House and sent to the standing committees to be returned in a stipulated period.
Minister Mujtaba Shuja-ur-Rehman, replying to a question, stated that as many as 287 industrial units come under the purview of property tax in Sheikhupura. He averred that there were five categories of property tax - A to E - applicable on houses in Lahore. He said five-Marla houses other than those in the A Category did not lie in the property tax net. The Minister stated that properties of federal, provincial and local governments were exempted from property tax. He pointed out that welfare institutions, eg, mosques and churches were exempted from property tax. Revenue Minister stated that Rs 12,150 relief in property tax was given to widows, minor and orphans. This exemption had also been given to personal residences of retired civil servants (one-kanal), minister added.
The Minister said liquor licenses have been issued to four hotels in Lahore at present. He said liquor was permitted by license under Punjab Prohibition (Enforcement of Hadud) Order, 1979 to foreigners and non-Muslims.
Punjab Assembly Speaker Rana Muhammad Iqbal asked agriculture minister cane commissioner to meet him in his office over problems of cane growers. In the house, MPA Sheikh Alauddin stressed upon the relevant authorities to make sure that payment to sugarcane growers was made through pay-orders instead of drafts. The House was later adjourned for Monday (3pm) by the chair.
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