The Japanese Ambassador Hiroshi Inomata visited APTMA Punjab office on Friday. Chairman APTMA Punjab S M Tanveer welcomed the visiting envoy at office. Other office-bearers of the APTMA Punjab were also present on the occasion. Chairman APTMA briefed the visiting Ambassador about the initiatives taken by the APTMA to double textile exports from $13 billion to $26 billion by 2018 under the facility of GSP Plus from the EU.
He said the textile businessmen need visa facility, as Pakistan imports textile machinery from Japan. While expressing concerns over dwindling trade between the two countries, S M Tanveer further hoped that both Pakistan and Japan governments will pave the way for Free Trade Agreement (FTA) to enhance bilateral trade relations.
The Japanese Ambassador said Pakistan have had very old bilateral relations, as Pakistan had also helped Japan in its economic revival after World War II. According to him, the Japanese government was already extending assistance to Pakistan through the forums like JICA and others. Chairman APTMA Punjab presented him a memento on the occasion.
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