Khushhali Bank has introduced health insurance, Sehat Khushhali Plus, to the mirco-credit strata. According to a bank's spokesperson here on Wednesday, Pakistan's first and largest microfinance bank, Khushhali Bank took another step towards expanding its services to the entrepreneurial strata of the population by offering Sehat Khushhali Plus, an innovative micro health insurance product to clients in collaboration with MicroEnsure Pakistan and Jubilee Life Insurance Company.
Sehat Khushhali Plus is an innovative micro heath plan providing valuable financial protection in the event of an insured member's hospitalisation due to any reason. Research has shown that microfinance clients, especially those living in far-flung rural areas, want freedom when it comes to the choice of hospital so that they could approach the nearest facility if a patient treatment is required. The facility provides financial benefit that can be used by the clients for meeting expenses incurred on treatment. It is underwritten by Jubilee Life Insurance Company with administrative support provided by MicroEnsure Pakistan.
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