The Islamabad High Court Wednesday granted bail to former acting chairman of the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Pemra), Dr Abdul Jabbar, who was allegedly involved in making illegal appointments in the organisation. A single -member bench of Justice Noorul Haq N. Qureshi heard the bail applications of Dr Abdul Jabbar, Shahzad Nawaz Cheema former Pemra director general (administration) and another former chairman Pemra Mushtaq Ahmad Malik.
During the course of proceedings, Shoaib Shaheen, the counsel for Dr Abdul Jabbar, pleaded that his client was not involved in making illegal recruitment in the Pemra. Jabbar is innocent and the case had been registered against him on political grounds, according to the counsel.
Meanwhile, the court granted pre-arrest bail to former chairman Pemra Mushtaq Ahmad Malik, who was also allegedly involved in making illegal appointments in Pemra during 2009. The court asked Mushtaq Ahmad Malik to submit a surety bond worth 0.5million. Qamar Afzal, a counsel for Mushtaq Ahmad Malik, pleaded that all the appointments made in Pemra during the tenure of Malik were legal. The court while grating bail to Jabbar, Cheema and Malik asked them to fully cooperate with the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) during the course of investigation.
It is pertinent to mention that Dr Abdul Jabbar and Shahzad Nawaz Cheema were arrested on March 2014 by FIA on the charges of making illegal appointments in the organisation when Jabbar was acting chairman of Pemra in 2010. While similar allegations were levelled against the former chairman Pemra Mushtaq Ahmad Malik.
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