LG Electronics unveiled the World's First Curved OLED TV for the first time in Pakistan. The revolutionary display caught the attention of all attending media and shoppers at a busy lavish mall in Karachi. Captivated by the depth of the display and the unique television-shape, the audience was treated to a product overview that highlighted the innovative product features of the curved OLED TV.
LG Electronics also showcased comprehensive range of ULTRA HD TVs by adding the screen size 55"& 65"(LA9700)to the existing 84" ULTRA HD, completing a product line-up that signals the brand's commitment to premium design and ground-breaking technology. "The Home Entertainment sector is fuelled by constant change and growth with new products entering the market every day. LG is committed to lead that growth, offering the latest and innovative entertainment products to enhance your entertainment experience in Pakistan," said Michael Ha, Director of LG Electronics Pakistan. "We're in a strong market position globally, carving out a reputation of delivering technology solutions that matter to you. The user experience with the CURVED OLED TV is unique to anything else in the market right now. Our main goal and is to deliver products that make life better for you."-PR
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