The Inspector General of Police (IGP) Nasir Khan Durrani has reportedly sent a report to the Ministry of Interior wherein he has specifically identified a militant group which is involved in large scale extortion activities not only in KP but in other major cities of the country as well.
Extortion has become a major issue for the law enforcement agencies across the country. With the drying up of foreign financial assistance for the militant outfits, extortion has emerged as a major tool for the terrorists to generate finances for their nefarious designs. Today majority of the industrialists and other affluent individuals in all the major cities of the country are receiving extortion calls from the militants. In contrast to other provinces, the problem has become more severe in KP due to its proximity with the tribal areas.
Owing to the group's international presence, roots in the tribal areas, the group's ability to operate from across the border and the need for a broad spectrum response from all the Federal Agencies & KP Police, the IGP KP has requested the Ministry of Interior that in order to work out an effective mechanism, a task force comprising of all the stakeholders be constituted with the following mandate:
-- Effective Border Management System with strict regulation of cross border movement.
-- Blocking of International Sims operation in Pakistan and curtailment of Pakistan's cellular networks signal within the boundaries of Pakistan.
-- Intercepting & arresting the callers/culprits involved in the crime.
-- Banning the transfer of capital through illegal means of Hawala & Hundi.
-- Engaging diplomatic channels for action against the group's headquarters in foreign territories.
The said group has established its headquarters in areas adjacent to Pakistan's international border and uses untraceable international Sims and unregistered local Sims for making extortion calls thereby making it extremely difficult for the KP police and other LEAs to nab the culprits.
According to an official working with the Counter Terrorism Department of KP Police, "the dynamics of extortion necessitate the need for a systematic, sustainable and concerted effort by all concerned LEAs, intelligence agencies and regulatory bodies like Pakistan Telecommunication Authority." According to an estimate, the group is collecting funds to the tune of billions through extortion and is using them for funding the terrorist activities in both the settled and tribal areas of Pakistan. In majority of cases, the funds are collected through hawala and hundi whereas in some instances the victims are even asked to bring the extortion money to the group's headquarters across the border where according to some victims elaborate establishments of the group are functioning with impunity.
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