The Supreme Court on Wednesday adjourned the proceedings of a case regarding the broadcast of a programme by a private television channel till June 10. A three-member bench headed by Justice Ejaz Afzal Khan resumed the hearing of a petition filed by Independent Media Corporation on behalf of Geo TV. The court directed its office to provide complete transcripts of the programme aired by the TV channel (ARY TV) on the next date of hearing.
The court after viewing some clips of a programme, remarked that it would not jump to conclusion until it viewed and analyse the entire programme. During the course of hearing, Taufeeq Asif told the court that 'anti-judiciary elements' had re-emerged. According to him, lawyers' community has made sacrifices for the independence of judiciary; however, some elements are bent upon defaming the judiciary. Sheikh Ahsan told the court that no one ever used language against the judges of superior court or their families. To which, Justice Ijaz Ahmed Chaudhry said the court would decide the case in accordance with law. The court while adjourning the proceedings of the case till June 10, sought a complete transcript of programme.
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