The Lahore High Court here on Thursday has directed Interior Ministry to submit report with regard to the detention and release of seven Pakistanis recently repatriated from Bagram jail in Afghanistan by June 25. The court was hearing a petition filed by Justice Project Pakistan (JPP) complaining that the authorities are not giving access to families of the released detainees.
A state counsel for the ministry told that the seven out of the ten Pakistani citizens released from Bagram prison, had been released from custody of FATA Secretariat. He also produced a letter issued by States and Frontier Regions Division (SAFRON) confirming the release of the seven Bagram detainees.
JPP's counsel Barrister Sarah Belal rejected the state counsel's claim and said, he was trying to mislead the court. She said JPP was in constant contact with the families of these seven detainees and could confirm that all of them had not been released and allowed to go home. The court after hearing the petitioner counsel directed the ministry to submit precise report about the status of the detainees till next date of hearing.
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