The Supreme Court on Thursday suspended Islamabad High Court's (IHC) orders that restricted a TV anchor from holding talk shows on any television channel till the next hearing of case. A three-member bench led by Justice Nasirul Mulk took up the appeal of Mubashir Luqman against the IHC verdict and granted leave to appeal in the matter.
Justice Nasirul Mulk observed that the IHC had not barred Luqman from participating in any television programme but issued directives to Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) to take an appropriate action in the matter. Lucman's lawyer, Irfan Qadir, contended before the bench that the IHC had banned his client to host any programme on any television without giving him a chance of hearing. Qadir also contended that due process of law was not adopted by the IHC in the current matter. Later, the apex court granted leave to appeal in the matter and adjourned the hearing of the case for an indefinite period.
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