The Lahore High Court here on Monday expressed its concern over allegations of sexual harassment against Punjab University Vice Chancellor (VC) Dr Mujahid Kamran. It observed that the status of a teacher is highly respectable but the allegations against Dr Kamran are grave.
The university's counsel argued that the petitioner was herself involved in threatening director sports. He also presented a purported record of a telephonic conversation between Khujista Rehan and the director sports. A law college lecturer Khujista Rehan accused the vice chancellor of subjecting her to sexual harassment.
The petitioner's counsel argued that his client was being victimised by university's authorities for raising voice against the VC. He said the authorities, at the behest of Dr Kamran, initiated several 'fake' inquiries against the petitioner. He said the matter was pending before the PU syndicate but the vice chancellor being its chairman had been influencing the course of proceedings. The counsel asked the court to suspend the VC till the finalisation of an inquiry. The court adjourned the further hearing till a date to be fixed by office and sought more arguments from both sides.
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