The Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW) on Sunday said political agitation would result in lowered ranking for the country in various subjects including the World Bank's next Doing Business Report compromising its image.
The World Bank in its 2014 publication lowered Pakistan's ranking in ease of doing business from 106 in 2012-13 to 110 in 2013-14 which will be brought down in the next report due to political uncertainty, said Dr Murtaza Mughal, President PEW.
The country is facing serious challenges but the iron-headed power players are bent on sacrificing national and economic interests augmenting worries of masses to achieve their goals, which have damaged stock market, rupee and commodity markets, he added.
Dr Mughal said that export consignments worth tens of million of dollars are struck while imported cargo is more or less halted in the wake of anti-government protests while the administrative measures in Punjab can be best described as overreaction.
The country will suffer a lot even if there is a political settlement as the ability of the government to revive economy remains questionable, he observed.
The last report of the bank had exposed the repeated claims of the sitting government regarding promoting private sector and growing business activity since it took over, he added. One can only hope that the political issues are resolved peacefully and normal economic activity resumes lest something unanticipated happens, warned Dr Mughal.
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