Lohi Bher police Islamabad has arrested two persons who were involved in assassinating a person near police foundation last month, a police spokesman said on Sunday. According to details, Muhammad Shoaib s/o Muhammad Ishaque r/o Aurang Abad Distt Attock lodged a complaint in Lohi Bher police station that two accused namely Muhammad Ayaz s/o Sooba Khan and Haqnawaz s/o Muhammad Ijaz had shot dead his brother Muhammad Inayat s/o Muhammad Ishaque on 10 September 2014.
Following his complaint, Lohi Bher police lodged an FIR No.251; U/S 302/34 PPC dated 10.09.2014 and started investigation into the matter.
SSP Islamabad Asmat Ullah Junejo gave task to SP Rural Zone Sheikh Zubair Ahmad to solve the case.
Following these directions, SP Rural constituted a police team headed by SHO Lohi Bher, Muhammad Ishaque Sub-Inspector and others.
This police team pursued the case vigorously and successfully resolved it by arresting the alleged persons and recovered the murder tool 30 bore pistol and motorbike used for this incident. Further investigation is underway.
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