Australian police charged two teenagers on Sunday after a video of one of them allegedly racially abusing a train guard in a five-minute rant went viral online. The young men, aged 17 and 18, were questioned by Queensland police earlier Sunday over the expletive-filled tirade on a Brisbane train on October 2.
A video of the incident attracted thousands of views after it was posted on Facebook and YouTube on Saturday. One of the teenagers started hurling abuse at the guard after he was told to take his feet off a seat, while another person believed to be his friend recorded the video as he giggled and laughed. "Do you want to come to Australia and learn some proper English?" the teenager yelled before allegedly using racist and offensive language.
The younger man was charged with assault, creating a nuisance in a train and threatening violence, while the 18-year-old was charged with creating a nuisance on a train, Queensland police said in a statement. "It will further be alleged one of the men verbally abused and spat on a male security officer," police added.
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