Nabiha Chaudhry, a female under training CSP officer who mysteriously died in her hostel room, was laid to rest in a local graveyard in Karachi on late Friday night. Earlier, Nabiha's body reached at her residence in Gulshan-e-Iqbal Block 13A. Her funeral prayer was offered at Bait-ul-Mukadam mosque and later she was buried in Esa Nagri graveyard.
CSS officer Nabiha Chaudhry, who had been undergoing training, allegedly immolated herself in her room at the Punjab Audit and Accounts Institute in Liberty Market on Wednesday. Nabiha Chaudhry, who belonged to the 41st batch of the Central Superior Services, had been undergoing training at the Institute since June.
A murder case has been registered on the complaint of Director Administration of Punjab Audit and Accounts Institute against unknown persons in Ghalib Market police station while police is trying to unearth the truth behind her death. Police said circumstantial evidence suggested that she ended her life by setting herself on fire after sprinkling petrol on herself. Police also recovered a bottle of petrol from the spot.
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