Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has said that those who are wasting precious time of the nation through sit-ins and politics of protest should give up their negative attitude. He expressed these views during a meeting with provincial Assembly members of various districts here on Tuesday, disclosed an official.
He said "Pakistan is passing through a critical phase, as we are facing shortage of electricity and the menace of extremism, and in such circumstances, the politics of dividing the nation is not in the interest of the country. Untimely sit-ins and negative politics have increased the problems of the masses," he added.
According to him, only those nations have achieved progress and prosperity that have displayed unity and struggled hard for the achievement of their goal. Pakistan Muslim League-N government is making all out efforts for the welfare of the people and resolving problems of the country. The Chief Minister stressed upon the Assembly members to keep a close contact with the people and spare no effort for resolving their problems.
Those who met the Chief Minister included Provincial Minister for Co-operatives Iqbal Channar, and Assembly Members Chaudhary Faisal Farooq Cheema, Syed Hussain Jehanian Gardezi, Sardar Badur Khan Mekan, Pir Khizar Hyat Shah Khagga, Ehsan-ul-Haq Bajwa and Chaudhry Muhammad Akram.
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